Timothy - Configuring the Home Page and Blog Page in WordPress

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Timothy – Configuring the Home Page and Blog Page in WordPress

An Introduction to Genesis Home Page Options

Most Genesis child themes use a widgetized home page. This means the home page is not set up as a regular page. Instead it is a combination of theme settings and content within preset widget areas. 

Having a widgetized home page is preferred because it gives theme buyers maximum flexibility in creating a home page for their website or blog. It allows you to change options and content to fit your specific needs.

We design our child themes with specific types of content in mind for each area of the home page. Even though we do this, it does not mean that you can’t put other content into these areas. We’re just trying to give you a head start and a push in the right direction.

Keep in mind – WordPress has 20,000+ plugins, which leads to thousands and thousands of options for widget usage on a child theme’s home page. We can’t begin to style for all of those options, so content replacement on the home page may need some additional tweaking to the CSS file. While many plugins and/or content changes will look great, not all will. So you’re free to replace out the widget suggestions we have for your own content or widgets, but remember you might need a little extra styling done for this addition or change.

Setting Up the Home Page

Go to Settings -> Reading

Check Your Latest Posts for Front Page Displays


Now visit the other topic posts within you’re theme’s instructions to learn how to set up each content area. 

Setting Up the Blog Page

You do not need to set the blog page in the Reading screen. You simply create a page within WordPress and set that page’s template to Blog. This is done right within the page itself.

Note: Newer versions of Genesis no longer provide the Blog Template. If you don’t see Page Attributes -> Template in your block editor, or if you have a dropdown but it doesn’t have a Blog choice, you’ll need to create the blog template manually. Using (S)FTP, create a file named page_blog.php in your Timothy folder, and put the following code in it:

 * Template Name: Blog


After you create the file, it will be available from the Template drop-down.

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