Richard - Home Main Section Widget Area

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Richard – Home Main Section Widget Area

The Home Main Section widget area below the Soliloquy slider area of the home page is configured in the Appearance –> Widgets settings. Once there drag the appropriate widgets from the left side to the Home Main Section widget area on the right side. You can use as many or as few CTA widgets as you like. Our theme demo uses several widgets here:

Web Savvy – CTA Bar

Web Savvy – Title

Web Savvy – CTA (we have 7 of these widgets, settings for each listed below)

Web Savvy – Featured Widget

Web Savvy – Featured Video

The settings for each of those widgets on the home page is listed at their respective theme instruction linked to above. For the Web Savvy – CTA widget, there is a fair amount of flexibility in how you configure your icons, so please be sure to read that instruction for info about the various icon options. Here are the settings for the 7 CTA widgets used on the theme demo home page:

First Widget
Title: Bankruptcy
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: bankruptcy
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL: 

Second Widget
Title: Corporate Law
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: corporate-law
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL:

Third Widget
Title: Employment Law
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: employment-law
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL:

Fourth Widget
Title: Estate Planning
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: estate-planning
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL:

Fifth Widget
Title: Litigation
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: litigation
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL:

Sixth Widget
Title: Real Estate Law
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: realestate-law
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL:

Seventh Widget
Title: Tax Law
Link Target: _self
Included Icon: tax-law
HTML Icon: 
Icon URL:

Please note you can also use these widgets in any of your sidebars in addition to the Home Main Section widget area.

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