Richard - Interior Page Default Top Image

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Richard – Interior Page Default Top Image

You can set a default top image for pages where you do not have an individual top image. Here is how to configure your default top image:

First go to Media –> Add New and upload your desired image. Recommended image size is 1200px wide by 250px high. For best results you should size your image to exactly those dimensions before you upload it to your website.

On the edit screen for that image in the media library copy the full URL of the image you uploaded.

Next go to Genesis –> Richard Settings

There paste your URL of your image into the appropriate Default Top Image field. You will notice there are top image fields for your general pages as well as for your Attorneys and Practice Areas pages. Repeat the same process for each of the other types of pages.

Remember to click the Save Settings button to lock in your changes.

Additionally you can manually set a unique page top image for your pages, attorneys, and practice ares. These are configured on the edit screen for those individual pages.

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