Derrick - Using a Logo Image

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Derrick – Using a Logo Image

Here are the steps to use your custom logo image with the theme.

For newer versions of Derrick (version 1.3.2 and later):

  1. From your WordPress dashboard go to Appearance → Customize
  2. From the main Customizer panel, click “Header Image”
  3. Click “Add New Image,” then either upload an image or choose one from your Media Library. The best image dimensions are 535 pixels by 90 pixels. (Larger images can be cropped down on the next screen.)
  4. Once you’ve uploaded and (optionally) cropped your image, hit Publish.

For older versions of Derrick (version 1.3.1 and earlier):

First set the logo to show by performing the following:

Next you need to upload your logo images to your theme file. Your logo image must be a .png image file.

The theme demo logo.png file is sized to:

  • Width = 222 pixels
  • Height = 46 pixels

You have flexibility to use a larger logo image if you prefer. In the full desktop view you should be able to use a logo image as large as these dimensions without significant issues.

  • Width = 320 pixels
  • Height = 90 pixels

If you go much larger than those dimensions you may need to adjust your /derrick/style.css style sheet to accommodate your logo image.

With your FTP software, or your web host’s cPanel, upload your custom logo image file to the the image directory in your theme corresponding to the color scheme you have selected. The list below will designate which folder for each color scheme.

  • /wp-content/themes/derrick/images/logo.png –> Default
  • /wp-content/themes/derrick/images/derrick-red/logo.png –> Red
  • /wp-content/themes/derrick/images/derrick-orange/logo.png –> Orange
  • /wp-content/themes/derrick/images/derrick-green/logo.png –> Green
  • /wp-content/themes/derrick/images/derrick-grey/logo.png –> Grey
  • /wp-content/themes/derrick/images/derrick-purple/logo.png –> Purple
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