Go to Pages
- Add a new page into WordPress and label it Blog
- Set the Template to Blog. Note: due to changes in Genesis 3.0, there is no longer a Blog template. As a result, there may not even be a “Template” drop-down in the “Page Attributes” section. If there is a dropdown, leave it set to “Default.”
- Save your new page
Go to Settings -> Reading
- Go to Settings, then Reading
- In the “Your Homepage Displays” section, choose “A Static Page.”
- Set “Posts Page” to the Page you created above.
- Save Changes.
Go to Genesis -> Theme Settings
- In the WordPress Customizer, choose “Theme Settings,” then “Content Archives”
- Set “Select one of the following” to “Entry Content”
- Set Limit content to 145 characters
- Check Include the Featured Image?
- Set Featured Image Size to Blog Thumbnail (162 x 159)
- Set Featured Image Alignment to Left
- Set Entry Pagination Type to Numeric
- Click Publish button to save