WordCamp Phoenix Grows Open Source Community
Posted on November 1, 2017
Last month 9seeds Founder Jon Brown attended WordCamp Phoenix, witnessing the growing WordPress community in Arizona. Held at a co-working space named Galvanize, the open venue offered plenty of seating and was a natural space to gather as WordPress users.
WordCamp Phoenix was smaller than expected at under 200 attendees (another larger version is planned for February 2018), and only showcased a single panel of speakers. Initially this seemed odd, but it meant that each speaker benefited from a larger crowd and that each attendee had exposure to new topics. The successful format illustrates that bigger isn’t always better.
WordCamp Phoenix attendees included a wide mix, with sponsors and advanced users mingling with beginning and intermediate users.
A beginner workshop was held alongside the speaker track on Saturday morning speakers for several hours, in the large co-working room. After the workshop concluded, speaker presentations and panel discussions could be heard and seen virtually in the extended space. It was a different approach, but seemed to be welcomed.
Session topics included the REST API, Business, Poetry, Data and Analytics, Security and others. You can see the schedule here.
Held the weekend before Halloween, the WordCamp Phoenix After Party turned into a costume party. The After Party was combined with local AIGA members who finished up their own conference that same weekend. All in all, WordCamp Phoenix proved to be a great way to grow the open source community and we are happy to have been able to attend the event and make many more friends in Phoenix.
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